300 years of support for clergy
Nathaniel, Lord Crewe was Bishop of Durham when he died in 1721, which at that time included all the lands now in Newcastle Diocese as well as Durham Diocese.
In his will he left his Northumbrian estates to trustees to use the income for charitable purposes, and set out in some detail how they should do so in his will.
Of the annual value of £1,312 13s in 1721, Lord Crewe specified annual amounts to be paid to necessitous clergy in poor or small livings across the diocese (there being no national stipend at the time) totalling nearly 20% of the available income. He also made provision for the relief of widows, orphans and children of poor clergymen. The support of necessitous clergy featured strongly in each of the succession of charitable Schemes through succeeding centuries and remains a key feature under the current constitution.
Support in last 10 years
In the last 10 years, the Charity has given out grants totalling £4,197,773 in support of clergy, representing nearly 60% of total grant giving.
These have included direct grants to clergy for hardship, including a widespread grant given in response to recent volatility in fuel costs, and to assist retiring clergy leaving diocesan housing. The support has also been delivered through projects run by the two dioceses, covering such matters as clergy counselling, continuing ministerial development and other approved projects.